Original trivial pursuit
Original trivial pursuit

original trivial pursuit

You can continue to roll as long as you keep answering the questions correctly. If you land on purple, you can’t answer a question about history. And yes, the questions you answer must correspond with the color space you land on. The crux of the game? Keep rolling, keep moving, until you answer a question wrong. Your first task on the way to victory is to collect a wedge of each color/from each category, and there are six. Winning is not as simple as just collecting wedges, though that is important too. Your first task is to fill your pie with wedges of different colors! How Do You Win Trivial Pursuit ? There are six colors that correspond to six categories: blue is geography, pink for entertainment, yellow is history, arts & literature is purple (though it was brown originally), green is for science & nature, while orange is for sports & leisure.

original trivial pursuit

In order to win the game, you need to collect a wedge of each color. How Many Wedges Do You Need to Win Trivial Pursuit ? Each wedge space features a picture of a wedge. There are only six wedge spaces on the board, which corresponds to the number of categories. If you land on one and answer the given question correctly, you can add a wedge of that color to your scoring piece. Wedge spaces exist in full-size board games. What is a Wedge Question in Trivial Pursuit ? From there, you can continue your journey to the left or right. Yes, you actually can! You can follow the spokes across the middle to go to the other side. Don’t worry if you land on the same space as another player that’s allowed! Can You Go Through the Middle in Trivial Pursuit ? If you’d like to move to the other side of the board, you can go through the middle. However, you can’t take one step to the left and two steps to the right. When you roll the die, you can go left or right. You can decide to change direction at any point if you haven’t moved yet. Plan your moves and go in the direction that has the best spaces for you to land on. Try to be strategic from the very beginning. Then, it is up to you which direction you want to move in. You can go down along the spokes to reach the outer track. When the game begins, your first task is to move away from the center of the board. Then off you go, answering questions and moving along as you respond correctly. The player or team that rolled the highest number will go first. Keep all the wedges in a pile nearby for easy access.īefore the game starts, all the players have to take turns rolling the die to decide who will go first. Each player or team can pick a pie or scoring token that they like and put it in the center of the board.

original trivial pursuit

Take your card packs out and place them into cardholders if you have any. You will find a game board that you have to unfold and lay flat on a surface. Start by taking everything out of the box.

original trivial pursuit

Blue is geography, pink for entertainment, yellow is history, arts & literature purple (originally brown), green for science & nature while orange is for sports & leisure. While those are the basics most people know about Trivial Pursuit, here’s a step-by-step guide to explain every aspect of gameplay. There are a bunch of different categories that correspond to the colors on the board. The aim of the game is to move around the board by correctly answering trivia questions. Let’s start with the OG of the series, the traditional Trivial Pursuit. 12 Happy Playing! Standard Trivial Pursuit Rules

Original trivial pursuit